Sometimes I like to wonder around into other fields, get to know other aspects of books that can teach me a little more about other things that I like to indulge my spare time. One of those things is cooking, it relaxes me and I can rest from my busy life with the kids.The reward is usually the table and the happy look in their faces and their mouth's working the flavours that I come up with.NetGalley gave me the chance to get to know a little more about this "thing" that I got about cooking books - I literally fall in love with them.So today I'm reviewing Juliet Stallwood's "The Icing on the Cake" UK Edition and isn't this a beautiful cover ...The book kicks off with an introduction by M. Stallwood that sets the pace with geniality, why ... because it is a peaceful and inspirational setting, that you can get the idea of learning and practicing in your own kitchen without a care in the world and at your own pace, no pressure.In Chapter One you have Decorate to Indulge, and what gift it is to acknowledge that it really isn't hard at all to learn, with time, to beautify a cake and indulge in the pleasure of letting your senses eat before you actually taste the cake itself. This ideas are original and so simple, they come with another thing that I find very useful, various sketches so we can understand better and copycat what we learn.Going on to the next chapter, you'll find Decorate to Love, destined to those special occasions for your loved ones.Here you'll find recipes like the Valentine Cigarillo Cake, for a spicy treat you'll get the Corset Biscuits, if you want to present a friend getting married you can always bake and make a personalized gift like the Pom Pom Wedding Cake, and for a friendly tea party bake some Rose Bouquet Cupcakes.There's everything for everybody you love.By the third chapter things get a little difficult but nobody said it was all a play and no hard work right ?In Decorate to Celebrate, you can make a birthday cake like a Dragon Cake, (how my son would love one of this), and for mom some Mother's Day Biscuits.There's always something for every taste and for the bold you visit Chapter Four, Decorate to Impress.Now this is the big league, those cakes styled as you see them in Pinterest and all around the web, but who could tell that you could pull that one off too.This book is a nice way to start with confidence to bake and open your imagination to new designs and explore new ways to fulfill your time with the things you love.In the last chapter the author shares with us the Best-Kept Secrets, from the basic equipment to measures and designs, guides and templates.This book is a keepers, indispensable to all that love cooking and creating, and beautifully presented from the colors to its photographs.Author: Juliet Stallwood provided by NetGalley for an honest review