I'm lost in the moment ...

Hi, my name is Patricia and I'm from Lisbon, Portugal. I'm an avid reader of books and stories that get me crawling out of my skin and transform me. My favorite genres are Romance, Erotica, Paranormal Romance and Fantasy, Mysteries and Thrillers, and getting into the so called Young Adult, New Adult and Steam Punk. I'm always looking for new authors, new genres and my TBR list goes on and on ... so many books, so little time. I review, discuss, and ultimately I get wrapped up in my fantasy world. Nice to be here.

Kiersten White
June 2018
BookLikes Reading Challenge: I'm lost in the moment ... wants to read 25 books in 2018.
I'm lost in the moment ... has read 0 book(s) out of 25 books in
2018 Reading Challenge
NEW 'Sweet with Heat' romance release! Whispers at Seaside by Addison Cole Author 'Fun, flirty, and sweet romance with ...
June 2018
updated shelf
currently reading
Are you going to be out and about all weekend? Grab the Sweet with Heat: Seaside Summers series in audio and don't miss a sec...
text: Coming Out Today ....
Released today in hardback cover, "Lying in Wait" is going to conquer american readers who are always up for a good dark thri...
Lying in Wait - Liz Nugent

Currently reading

Kiersten White